
Majorelle Gardens and Barometre: A Day in Marrakech

February 15, 2024 (7mo ago)

Majorelle Gardens and Barometre: A Day in Marrakech

Wandering the Old City: A Dance of Colors and Chaos

Staying in the heart of the medina at the lovely BB Riad near Jemaa el-Fna, we awoke to the sounds of Marrakech stirring to life—vendors setting up stalls, the distant call to prayer, and the chatter of people ready to start their day. Our adventure began by wandering through the narrow streets of the Medina, taking in the vibrant sights and sounds. The streets of Marrakech’s medina are a sensory explosion—bright textiles hanging from stalls, the smell of spices wafting from every corner, and the constant hum of activity. We weaved our way through the winding alleys, dodging mopeds and carts, while still finding pockets of quiet to snap photos of beautiful doors, intricate brickwork, and, of course, more cats.

Group people walking narrow street Pink wall wooden door marrakech cat sitting on ledge

The old city is a living museum of culture, history, and tradition. Every twist and turn revealed something new—a beautifully carved door, a colorful ceramic shop, or an artist at work. Amidst the flurry, there was a tranquil rhythm to the medina that made the chaos feel enchanting rather than overwhelming. We felt like explorers, uncovering hidden gems tucked away in the city’s labyrinthine streets.

Paper birds hanging ceiling Woman brick wall background Girl pink wall marrakech

Lounging at Café des Épices

front facade of Café des Épices

After a morning spent wandering the bustling streets of the medina, we found refuge at Café des Épices, nestled in the heart of the old city. The café's rooftop terrace offered a perfect vantage point to soak in the energy of Marrakech while still providing a sense of calm. We settled into our seats, ordered traditional mint tea, and watched as the square below buzzed with life—vendors calling out to passersby, locals haggling for goods, and tourists marveling at the chaos. The mint tea was refreshingly sweet, its warm aroma mixing with the spice-scented air around us. Sipping slowly, we let ourselves unwind, appreciating the unique rhythm of the city from this cozy perch.

Busy market scene marrakech Woman sitting on couch room Wooden tables chairs room

Majorelle Gardens: A Serene Oasis in the City

After immersing ourselves in the medina's hustle, we made our way to the famous Jardin Majorelle. Stepping into the gardens felt like entering another world—a lush, serene oasis where the cobalt blue walls contrasted against vibrant greenery and towering palm trees. Designed by the French painter Jacques Majorelle and later restored by Yves Saint Laurent, the gardens offered a perfect reprieve from the city’s energy.

Woman standing cactus view Man white sweater sunglasses

We spent the afternoon wandering through paths flanked by exotic plants and succulents, stopping often to admire the intricate architecture and take photos. The blue walls of the garden became our backdrop, providing stunning photo opportunities at every turn.

Man sitting blue wall Woman sitting blue bench

The calm atmosphere was only interrupted by the occasional chirp of birds resting on wooden perches, adding to the garden’s tranquil ambiance. A favorite spot of ours was sitting by a bubbling fountain, listening to the soft rustle of palm fronds swaying in the breeze.

Bird on wood perch Palm trees garden view

Yves Saint Laurent Museum: Art, Fashion, and Inspiration

Adjacent to the gardens, the Yves Saint Laurent Museum offered us an intimate look into the life and legacy of the legendary fashion designer. The modern design of the museum stood in contrast to the traditional architecture of the medina, housing a beautiful collection of YSL’s most iconic works.

Man walking street building Woman standing front building Woman white blouse blue jeans Man standing wall marrakech

The exhibits were an incredible journey through fashion, with YSL’s groundbreaking designs displayed in a space that was both minimalistic and elegant. We explored room after room, marveling at the craftsmanship and creativity that went into every piece. It was clear that YSL’s influence on fashion was not just profound but enduring.

New Marrakech: A Walk Through Contrasts

Majorelle gardens palm trees building

After the peacefulness of Majorelle, we ventured through the streets of New Marrakech. This part of the city offered a different face—modern, yet not without its rough edges. There were pockets of charm, with tree-lined streets and stylish shops, but much of the area felt a little worn, with crumbling facades and a grittier vibe than the polished areas near Majorelle.

Barometre Cocktails: An Evening of Mystery and Magic

As the sun set, we capped off the day with drinks at BAROMETRE Cocktails, a cocktail lounge with a mysterious, apothecary-like atmosphere. The space was dimly lit, with fluorescent lights revealing hidden recipes and ingredient markers scrawled on the walls. The ambiance was intimate and dark, perfect for a night of creative cocktails.

Clock on dark hallway Marrakech garden cocktail moment

Each cocktail was more inventive than the last, with complex flavors that delighted our senses. Smoky infusions, floral notes, and unexpected combinations kept us guessing with every sip. However, like many places in Morocco, smoking was allowed indoors, and by the end of the night, the smell had become a bit overwhelming. Still, the cocktails and ambiance were worth every moment spent there.

Fancy cocktail Barometer Bar Interior

Before heading back, the bouncer helped us secure a taxi, negotiating hard with the driver to ensure we got a fair price—a kindness we greatly appreciated. Haggling with taxi drivers in Marrakech can be a challenge, but thanks to him, we were able to return to our riad stress-free.

jars on walls

Reflections on Marrakech: A City of Contrasts

Marrakech is a city that continually surprises. It’s a place where tradition and modernity exist side by side, where peaceful gardens can be found in the midst of chaos, and where hidden gems like Barometre are waiting to be discovered. Our day was full of contrasts—from the frenetic energy of the medina to the serenity of the Majorelle Gardens, from the artistic beauty of the YSL Museum to the grungy streets of New Marrakech.

Woman standing brick building

It was a day that captured the essence of Marrakech: a city of contrasts, color, and mystery—a place that lingers in the memory long after you've left.